Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Use your bandana as gift wrapping, Furoshiki style

A lovely Japanese custom is to present a gift in a wrapping cloth or Furoshiki. Traditionally the Furoshiki is a piece of cloth with interesting designs and fabric texture. The Furoshiki can be recycled as a lunch bag, hair scarf, sun shade, or as wrapping for other gifts.

Consider wrapping your travel gifts in a multi-purpose bandana square. There's lots of ways to wrap a bandana around a gift, but the basic way includes a simple knot with a loose corner draped over the edge. This style can be used for oval and rectangular shapes.

Furoshiki-style wrapping instructions:
Spread the bandana fabric as a diamond (see image below) and place the contents to be wrapped in the center
  1. Take the corner closest to you (1. tuck) over the object and tuck it underneath
  2. Pull the opposite corner (2. top) over the top and leave it draped over the edge
  3. Hold left corner (3.tie) in your left hand and gather the surplus fabric neatly with your right hand as you bring the corner over the object
  4. Hold right corner (4. tie) in your right hand and gather the surplus fabric neatly with your left hand as you bring the corner over the object
  5. Tie the two fabric ties firmly with a square knot - ease in excess fabric for a neat finish. The ties form a practical handle to carry your gift.

For creative ideas on Furoshiki gift wrapping read Chizuko Morita's book "Gift Wrapping with Textiles: Stylish Ideas from Japan", ISBN 4-7700-2736-2.

More information on furoshiki multi-use wrapping

How to wear a bandana.

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